Gabbioni a struttura rigida SOLLEVABILI MARCATURA CE

MONTEALATO vende gabbioni brevettati,vuoti o pieni

Italiano English Polski Russian Français 13 maggio 2024

gabion hook

Gabions are cages and lifting portable model made ​​of galvanized steel.

- In galvanized steel
- With hook for lifting, transportation and laying.
- Gabbinata prefinta and vibrated in a separate compactor which enables movement
- Shutter speed (up to 100 cubic meters per day), ideal for emergency funds
- 200x50 mm mesh panels from 6mm
- Glove that makes the hardboard
- 100% recyclable product

Flexibility: individually the gabion is a rigid element and in case of subsidence of the foundation individual blocks fit and stability of the work is not compromised for this one can speak of flexible structure as a whole.
stands out for; architectural choice, speed of installation, water infiltration, lack foundations.

1. What makes the original cage lift
- Has an innovative system of interlocking panels that together with the double-wire make it particularly compact and resistant.

2.You transportable
-advantage of steelbox is the fact of being filled with mechanical means and compacted with a special machine. Compaction makes foam and hooks inside allow a quick and easy handling.

3. how many cubic meters are laid in a day
- A team of three people with steelbox system allows you to place more than 100 cubic meters per day.

4. is simple assembly
- Mounting a gabbionata very simple and requires only a few minutes.

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mare.jpg .00 euro + IVA

Gabbioni in pietra

pietreingabbia1-500.jpg I gabbioni sono strutture modulari in grado di permettere la massima creatività nella progettazione di opere di design interne ed esterne. .00 euro + IVA

Gabbioni arredo giardino

recinzioni.jpg d39e3a5b-c572-4c02-a37a-9229ba84bda1.jpeg weissbach--4-.jpg img-1412.jpg gartenumbau-2014-004.jpg sssss.jpeg 2db925b2-1cb3-43b0-9ba0-589512b55a93.jpeg bfbc57c3-ab9f-4ace-b9c8-33ec7e0394de.jpeg 20160712_141151_resized-700.jpg gazebo.jpg garde545.jpg img-20160524-wa0025-700.jpg garden3.jpg gabbionigiardini-500.jpg Realizzazioni di gabbioni per parchi e giardini Con i gabbioni è possibile realizzare splendide architetture paesaggistiche; creando giardini, bordi aiuole e prati, viali, sentieri. e complementi di arredo giardino quali panchine e tavoli.
I gabbioni colorati permettono scenografiche ambientazioni.
.00 euro + IVA

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.00 euro + IVA

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